Does Your Belly Need to Relax?

Years ago, when I was having back pain, I decided to study privately with a fabulous movement instructor. I’ll never forget our first session- instead of jumping into movement, we began with several minutes of belly relaxation and breath awareness. As my belly...

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Four Reasons to Move Better this Year

You probably know how important it is to move regularly, but have you ever considered how important it is to move well? Better movement isn’t about pure strength, speed, or flexibility, but rather it’s a result of a harmonious communication within your body. Better...

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Elements of Better Posture

Many clients confess to me that they have horrible posture. When I ask them to show me how they think their posture should be, they usually assume an awkward and stiff position. Perhaps it is from the words we heard at least once in our lives, “stand up straight!”...

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5 Tricks To Help You Move More

We all know how important movement is to our overall health, but sometimes it seems like there’s just not enough hours in the day! Between work, getting the kids to and from school, household chores and errands- devoting time to one’s body seems near impossible! But,...

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How Private Sessions Changed My Life

My long-term private movement studies began as a result of my chronic back pain. The pain wasn’t the result of a sudden fall or accident, instead it snuck up on me plaguing me with discomfort and limited mobility. Although I had helped many clients alleviate their...

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2015 Holiday Gift Guide

It’s that time of year again! The stores are decorated and people are out and about trying to find that perfect gift for their loved one! Why not make your gift purposeful, healthiful and movement based? I can’t think of a better way to show love this holiday season!...

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Be A Movement Snob

I live in a pretty health conscious part of the world, Brooklyn, NY, where words like: organic, artisan, ergonomic, Birkenstock, sustainable, farm-to-table, Kleen Kanteens, fair trade, and food-coop, permeate the Borough. Oh-- and did I mention Kombucha? Yes, Brooklyn...

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The New Core

When I start working with someone I ask what their goals are. Almost always they tell me, in one way or the other, that they want to improve their core strength. As they say this, they usually put their hands on their belly with a slight look of disappointment.

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